Monday, October 12, 2009

The Messiah

The Messiah

Advance notes: The Messiah original was published in the books, “On the Threshold of a Dream,” First Edition, 1988 (from the National Library of Poetry). The Messiah was also published in the book “Sirens” by the Dennis L. Siluk, 2004. And thus far has won two International awards (Editors’ Choice Award for 1988)) it was one of the 135-pome3s out of over 10,000 to be so honored.)) It graphic imagery must be felt, it is beyond description.

In addition to this poem being one of the author’s most favored, it has provoked the most controversy in the past. Written in November, of 1987, the controversy stared at once; some of the controversy was between Minnesota Christian Churches, but after reviewing it closer, and asking how the author got the descriptiveness within the poem, and his answer being “In a vision (1983),” the controversy stopped (right after the vision, the author had written down the panorama of the picture he kept in his mind). Thus the author simply tried—to the best ability—to describe the scene. The author also had stated at the time, “It was so bad I almost started vomiting and had to ask the Lord to stopped the scene, at which time He did.” #115 (11/1987)

(The poem: The Messiah)

Like pelts stretched from side-to side

On a wooden cross, undressed, alive—

The Messiah hung, like a wild beast:

Uncouth, uncrowned, no dignity.

De-boned—like fish—His body hung;

Lifeless, deformed: —in silent pain.

Dried blood upon His ransomed face,

Eyes decaying, hardly seen:

Pours hemorrhaging with a gloss of sweat—

Skin like mounds of inflamed tar

[like boils reflecting off dark shaded ice]

Deep distress around His soot-covered veins,

A mixture of Saliva, Dirt and shame;—

Ugly as sin, beyond recognition

[like open incisions of an autopsy].

Acquainted with grief, yes, oh Yes!

As the prophets foretold, long ago.

A new scene, we became redeemed!!

Spanish Version

(El Poema: El Mesías)

Como pieles estiradas de lado a—lado

Sobre una cruz de madera, desnudo, vivo—

El Mesías colgado, como una fiera:

Grosero, destronado, sin dignidad.

Deshuesado—como pescado—Su cuerpo colgado;

Sin vida, deforme: —en dolor silencioso.

Sangre seca sobre Su cara rescatada,

Ojos descompuestos, apenas vistos:

Vierten hemorragia con un lustre de sudor—

Piel como los montones de alquitrán inflamado

[como furúnculos relejando la sombra oscura del hielo]

Profunda angustia (dolor) alrededor de Sus venas cubiertas por hollín,

Una mezcla de Saliva, Suciedad y vergüenza; —

Feo como el pecado, más allá de reconocimiento

[como incisiones abiertas de una autopsia].

¡Enterado con pena, sí, oh Si!

Como los profetas pronosticaron, hace mucho.

¡¡Una nueva escena, nos hicimos redimidos!!

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